Nestor Lasso Anaerobic Natural Ombligon - Colombia


Nestor Lasso Anaerobic Natural Ombligon - Colombia (200g)

Raspberry Ruffle, Cherry, Rose

Producer: Nestor Lasso
Country: Colombia
 Region: Pitalito, Huila
Variety: Ombligon
Process: Anaerobic Natural + Yeast Innoculated
Altitude: 1750 masl

5 years ago Nestor Lasso and his brother Adrian took over the family farm, branching out into specialty coffee and experimentation rather than growing in the way of their parents. Today, still in their early 20s the brothers have teamed up with Jhoan Vergara, also a child of a coffee farmer, to create El Diviso. 

3 years ago Cat & Pierre, founders of CATA Export, along with the 3 young producers started a journey of trial and error to define the fermentation processes and protocols at the farm, with the aim to link these coffees directly to the UK market.

This learning process has been time, and money, consuming but with the exciting outcome that these coffees have been used across many coffee competitions across Europe, winning the Brewers' Cup in Ireland amongst many other podium places.


Step 1. The cherries are picked at optimal maturity, with Brix degrees between 21 and 24.

Step 2. The cherries are put into open plastic tanks and are left oxidising for 48 hours. During this time the coffee mosto (juice or 'extract' produced during oxidation) is constantly being recirculated; it is monitored and analysed to make sure that it is at 19 Brix degrees, and the pH doesn't fall below 5.

Step 3. All the cherries are emptied into a tank of cold water with any floaters (unripe, lower density, broca infected etc) being manualled removed.

Step 4. The cherries are then rinsed with water heated to 50℃ ('thermal shock') to loosen the molecular structure & kickstart the fermentation process before being transferred into airtight plastic bins to start the anaerobic process. Before the lid is closed the brewers' yeast is sprayed on the cherries at a ratio of 1:5 (1 gram of yeast: 5kg cherries) diluted in 32℃ water. Cherries are left to ferment for 38 hours whilst the endemic organisms and added yeast multiply.

Step 5. The cherries are then mechanically dried for approximately 12 hours to dehydrate as fast as possible, to reach 18% moisture content.

Step 6. The cherries are placed into closed plastic bags and left to stabilise for 2 days in a dark room.

Step 7. The cherries are placed into marquesinas to finish the drying process for approcimately 15 days until they reach 10.5 - 11.5% moisture content.

Grind: If you need your coffee ground, select on the dropdown.

Let us know in the "Special Instructions" if there is any other specific brew method you need the coffee ground for.