Nestor Lasso Washed Sidra - Colombia


Nestor Lasso Anaerobic Washed Sidra - Colombia

Lemongrass | Meyer Lemon | Pomegranate

Producer: Nestor Lasso
Country: Colombia
Region: Huila
Variety: Bourbon Sidra
 Process: Anaerobic Washed
 Altitude: 1750 masl

This is one of 2 very different, but equally exceptional, coffees we're launching from one of the most innovative coffee producers in the world.

This coffee comes from Nestor Lasso and the team at El Diviso farm in Colombia. The farm covers an 18 hectare area comprised of 15 ha of coffee and 2 ha of forest area. The farm carries great diversity of varietals, currently home to Caturra, Colombia, Castillo, Tabi, Pink Bourbon, Red Bourbon, Yellow Bourbon, Bourbon Ají, Caturra Chiroso, Geisha, Sidra, Java, Pacamara.

Nestor is using fully washed, semi washed and natural methods, utilising parabolic dryers as well as raised African beds alongside some mechanical drying. 80,000 coffee trees grow here at a range of 1700-1850 metres.

The Sidra varietal is a mysterious one. It was initially thought to be an intraspecific hybrid of Bourbon and Typica. However, according to recent studies performed by the World Coffee Research Institute it has no clearly identifiable genetic identity. Some say it is derived from Ethiopian landrace varietals.

Because there is no singular source to reference many different crops may be identified as Sidra. Don Olger Rogel was likely the first person to introduce the Sidra varietal (sometimes referred to as Bourbon Sidra or Sydra) to the world via the specialty coffee market in Ecuador.

It is widely reported that the varietal was developed at the Nestlé breeding facility in Ecuador. It was said to have been given to farmers for free in order to collect feedback from them. As far as we know, that is unverified and the Nestlé facility has since closed. One of the first plantations to commercially grow Sidra was La Palma y El Tucan in Cundinamarca Colombia.

Between 2012 and 2015 they planted over 6000 plants as the varietal became popular in specialty coffee circles. Cole Torode used their natural Sidra to place 3rd in the world Barista Championships in 2019.

As a roaster, the easiest way to verify a Sidra coffee is by the cup quality and flavor. Certainly, it helps to acquire the coffee from an accredited farm with a history of producing the variety. Furthermore, the beans tend to be longer and pointier than other aribica coffees.

In the field the coffee trees grow up to four meters tall. The trunks are thick and heartier than other coffee trees. The cherries are clustered together densely along the branches. They have dark green leaves and long flowers that have five petals on them. It is a high yielding plant that needs shade to grow.

These coffee follows the innovative Anaerobic Washed process shown below.


  • Floating process in order to select the best cherries only (fully ripe).
  • 16 hour oxidation in cherry between 22 and 30 degrees Celsius.
  • Anaerobic fermentation in plastic cans for 38 hours at 16-18 Celsius.
  • The coffee is moved to open fermentation tanks for 6 hours where the leachates are collected so they can be used further on.
  • The coffee is pulped.
  • Oxidation process in mucilage for 6 hours.
  • Water and the leachates collected in step 4 are added to the coffee to begin a 24 hour submerged fermentation at 32 degrees Celsius. The mix is occasionally stirred so the mix is homogenous.
  • Thermal shock: the coffee is washed with water at 65-70 Celsius to finalize the fermentation phase.
  • The coffee is moved to parabolic drying systems for 18-24 days until 11% moisture is reached, where the maximum temperature is 30 degrees Celsius.

Grind: If you need your coffee ground, select on the dropdown.

Let us know in the "Special Instructions" if there is any other specific brew method you need the coffee ground for.